Morning Rituals: Ginger & Lemon

Each morning, I aim to start my day with intentional self-care — sometimes it’s a slow extra hour spent in pajamas, other days it’s a gentle yoga session or walk. Nearly every morning, however, it includes drinking hot water with lemon and ginger. The health benefits of a ginger + lemon tea are numerous, spanning digestion, skin, immunity, detoxification, ad infinitum. While I encourage you to do your own research on health benefits, I love the way it tastes and makes me feel afterwards. Here’s my simple recipe…


  • Fresh Ginger (I purchase a root and use it in other recipes)

  • Lemon

  • Water

To Make:

  • Bring a thumb of ginger and water to a boil

  • Mix with 1 whole lemon’s worth of juice


Ginger & Cantaloupe Mocktail


A Coastal Proposal