A Lesson in Easy Entertaining

For me, it’s the casual, impromptu gatherings — neighbors wandering over at sunset or friends dropping by mid-morning — that renew and refresh my spirit for entertaining. Certainly, there is a time and place for freshly pressed napkins and artfully arranged florals, but it’s the drop by’s, the quick coffee catch-ups, and picnic-style meals that have staying power.

They are both an invitation to connect and to indulge, as well as a reminder that neither should be saved for special occasions. So, perhaps this is as much a lesson in easy entertaining as it is a gentle nudge to take time to set the tone for yourself. No need to save thoughtful touches for company…

LOCAL FOLIAGE // Forage your backyard (or neighborhood) for florals and greenery. A few branches — or, if you're coastal, saw palms — snipped from nearby bushes elevates any table for weeks.

CANDLES // Candles are meant to be burned, not saved for special occasions. Light your favorite scent daily and supplement with tea lights or candles contained in hurricanes.

GLASSWARE // Special glassware deserves to be displayed and used. I like to set a tray of a pitcher and water glasses ahead of anyone’s arrival and reach for cocktail glasses even if it’s just for iced coffee. These Uashmama

PANTRY ESSENTIALS// A special trip to the store ahead of guests isn’t always necessary, especially if you’re in the habit of stocking a few essentials: a yummy cheese, olives, nuts, and crackers. Little nibbles are always appreciated and most of these items have quite the shelf life. And for dessert? Affogatos: vanilla gelato and espresso. Easy and always on-hand.

PLAYLIST // See my go-to's here…


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